4 Zodiac Signs with "Cool Aunt" Energy

Geminis are brilliant, scattered, and amusing, making them great aunts. According to Garbis, this air sign likes to travel or migrate every few months and has fantastic things to tell.


Your night out with a Gemini is sure to be fun. They appear to know everyone and the finest spots to go. Your self-assured Gemini best friend makes you feel safe and comfortable. Garbis thinks they're great cry-babies and give the best advise, like your favorite aunt.


Virgos have their life together but can't stay in a relationship, yet it doesn't bother them. They can pursue their inclinations and pick up oddities since they're free. 


This acquaintance also takes photos and collects memories for everyone they know. They also have a talent for finding the best thrift discoveries, so they'll locate you the right jean jacket without trying.


Sagittarius is the zodiac's storyteller, so expect your friend to break the silence at a party with a great narrative. Even when you're shy, they'll bring you out on the dance floor and make you have fun.


Sagittarius always understands what to do in challenging circumstances. In a pinch, call your Sag BFF for advice—they'll know what to say. All of this gives them auntie energy.


Uranus, the planet of independence, rules Aquarius, a fringe sign. Your oddest friend is always in a studio making art or music. “They are very different and you just want to be like them,” Garbis says. “They have this admirable artistic side.”


Air signs also get caught up in the moment. If you casually mention wanting a tattoo, they will drive you to the parlor. Like your aunt, they're your friend and always ready for fun.


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