Your 20s will be powerful since you're learning about yourself every day. You are discovering what makes you happy and what you would rather not have by trying out new relationships or jobs.
Your twenties will change your life, so follow your heart and mind rather than others'. They should not cloud your ideas. Remember that you choose how to live your life. Don't please others. Do what seems right.
Your 20s will transform how you see yourself and the world. This time will make you realize that you need to put yourself first, even though you've always been a people-pleaser.
When you must let others solve their own difficulties and make their own mistakes without worrying about them. You can't save everyone. You can't make them choose properly. You only control yourself, and you'll learn this in your 20s. You'll start focusing on your own journey instead of others'.
Your 20s will bring both good and bad realizations. You spent most of your youth believing your life would look a certain way, but your twenties will change that. You'll learn your strategy won't work out exactly.
You may take longer to achieve goals than expected, and people you thought would stay will leave. Even while your twenties will be full with change, not all of it will be bad. Some will be good. They will advance your happily-ever-after.
20s are a learning period. Although you spent most of your youth thinking you had all the answers and was always the smartest person in the room, this time will show you that you still have a lot to learn.
This is a critical lesson, even though realizing you have much further to go than you imagined can be scary or disheartening. What you do next will shape who you become. Whether you realize it or not, it's an important time in your life.