5 Easy Habits to Lose 10 Pounds!

This is huge. Water has many benefits, including hydrating skin, flushing pollutants, and supporting organ function. so many things- I attempt to drink half my body weight in ounces daily. 

Drinking lots of water

Since I weigh 150 pounds, I drink 75 ounces a day. Half your weight in water is how much you should drink. I carry a bottle all day. I aim to drink 4 bottles before the day is over.

Drinking lots of water

I dislike exercising. I have a gazelle and a treadmill, and my oldest kid is a personal trainer student. I have everything I need to workout hard, but I despise it.

20 minutes of yoga every day 

All but yoga, which I enjoy. Lean muscle burns more fat, thus yoga can help you lose weight. It reduces cortisol and abdominal fat, making it helpful for stress!

20 minutes of yoga every day 

This was problematic because my hubby works afternoons. He gets home at midnight and wants a bite to complete his day. So he gets chips, salsa, or popcorn. So easy to grab a handful and nibble!

Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed.

But ceasing eating 2 hours before bed is very healthy. Our bodies aren't built to digest food while sleeping, so our digestion is slow and we sleep poorly.

Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed.

I love coffee. Totally love it. I always put a huge scoop of sugar and cream or a good flavored creamer in it. But drinking 3 cups a day raises blood sugar and calories.

Avoid sugar in coffee.

Big sweet tooth, little self-control. I'll probably consume any cookies in my house. I've been known to eat midnight snacks.

Mindful eating

So I started eating mindfully. I wonder if what I'm eating is healthy. Does it benefit my body? I sometimes need a chocolate bar.

Mindful eating

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