5-Minute Daily HIIT Workout That Melts Hip Fat

Assume a pushup/high plank stance with your hands behind your shoulders and your legs thrown back behind you to begin mountain climbers.

Mountain Climbers

Lift each leg in turn toward your chest while maintaining a strong core. (You seem to be running in place.) Maintain a high head position and low hips. Three times, 20 seconds on and 20 seconds off, repeat this workout.

Mountain Climbers

Prepare for jail hold squats next. Put your hands behind your head to begin. Stand with your feet slightly apart and shoulder-width apart. 

Prisoner Hold Squats

Sit back, spread your knees, and squat down while keeping your weight on your heels. Drive into your heels and stand up once your hips are below parallel. Maintain a flat lower back. Three times, 20 seconds on and 20 seconds off, repeat this workout.

Prisoner Hold Squats

Don't forget to prepare for bear crawls. Get down on all fours, placing your hands behind your shoulders, your knees beneath your hips, and an inch above the ground with your knees.

 Bear Crawls

Crawl forward by simultaneously moving your right arm and left leg in a tiny stride. Keep your head high and your hips down. Two times through this workout, 20 seconds on and 20 seconds off. The complete program will take five minutes if the final 20 seconds of rest are excluded.

 Bear Crawls

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