8 Food High In Carbohydrates

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1. Potatoes

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Potatoes are a starchy vegetable and a great source of carbohydrates. They're versatile and can be prepared in various ways like mashed, baked, or fried.

2. Pasta

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Pasta, made from wheat flour, is a carbohydrate-rich food that comes in various shapes and sizes. It's a staple in many cuisines around the world.

3. Rice

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Rice is a staple food for a large part of the world's population. It comes in different varieties like white rice, brown rice, jasmine rice, etc., and is a significant source of carbohydrates.

4. Bread

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Bread made from wheat or other grains is a significant source of carbohydrates. Different types of bread like whole grain, white, rye, etc., contain varying amounts of carbohydrates.

5. Quinoa

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Quinoa is a pseudo-cereal that's high in carbohydrates and also contains a good amount of protein. It's a great alternative to grains for those looking for gluten-free options.

6. Legumes

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Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are rich in carbohydrates as well as fiber and protein. They're versatile and can be used in soups, salads, or as a main dish.

7. Bananas

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Fruits like bananas are high in carbohydrates, primarily in the form of natural sugars. They're a good source of energy and also contain essential vitamins and minerals.

8. Cereals

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Breakfast cereals made from grains like oats, corn, wheat, or rice are often high in carbohydrates. They can provide a quick and easy source of carbs in the morning.

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