Bad Foods to Avoid If You're Losing Bone Density

Red meat can harm your heart and cause weight gain, so you may want to cut back. According to Richards, this meat can also damage bone density.

Red meat and bone density

"Excessive red meat consumption can interfere with bone density due to several factors," she explains, noting that sulfur-containing amino acids like cysteine and methionine might lower calcium intake, which is essential for bone health.

Red meat and bone density

"When metabolized, these amino acids produce acids that increase urine calcium excretion, weakening bones over time," Richards said. "High red meat intake often deprives bone-healthy foods like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K." Yikes!

Red meat and bone density

Not only that. The type of iron in red meat may also reduce bone density. "Red meat contains heme iron, which, in excess, may cause oxidative stress, affecting bone health

Red meat and bone density

Finally, Richards says, "The imbalanced intake of nutrients and the acid load from excessive red meat can disrupt the delicate balance needed for optimal bone formation and maintenance

Red meat and bone density

thereby contributing to reduced bone density and an increased risk of bone-related issues."

Red meat and bone density

Naturally, talking to a doctor about your needs is the greatest method to maintain bone density. While food plays a key role in the issue, minimizing red meat will help your bones and general health.

Red meat and bone density

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