Belly obesity can lead to negative self-perception, anxiety, and depression.

Belly obesity is linked to poor self-esteem, anxiety, and sadness. This connection is affected by physical and psychological variables. Here are some ways abdominal obesity might harm mental health:

Abdominal obesity patients may feel stigmatized or pressured to conform to body image standards, which can lower self-esteem.

Social stigma and discrimination can lower self-esteem and mental health in obese people, especially abdominal obesity.

Abdominal obesity is linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

Chemicals released by metabolically active adipose tissue, especially visceral fat, can alter brain function and mood.

Abdominal obesity can impair mobility and physical function, limiting some activities.

Comfort meals high in calories and sweets can promote weight gain and bad feelings as a coping method.

Obesity can be managed physically and psychologically with help from mental health and dietitians. For a healthier and more inclusive atmosphere, body acceptance and decreasing stigma around varied body shapes and sizes are crucial.

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