(Part-1) Republican mobilization for Biden's Black vote is a chance.

Washington (AP)— Donald Trump doesn't have strong Black ties.

Trump was accused of discriminatory business tactics as a New York real estate developer from the start. He lied for years that Barack Obama, the first Black president, was disqualified. Trump called “shithole countries” in Africa and told four congresswomen of color to return to their “broken and crime-infested” home countries while he was president, despite the fact that all four are American citizens and three were born in the U.S. Trump is courting Black votes as he pursues a third term.

Have you seen our African American and Hispanic poll numbers? But I'm not shocked since I see and feel it." Trump announced during a rally in Atkinson, New Hampshire, days before the primary. “We did great in 2016, much better in 2020, but there is much more enthusiasm now.”

According to studies, Black Americans still strongly favor President Joe Biden, thus Trump is not making substantial gains with them. Minor vote trends in key states might flip the race unexpectedly.

The biggest risk for Biden isn't Black voters' sudden shift toward Trump. Frustrated by a variety of concerns, particularly the 2020 racial justice movement's lack of progress, such voters don't turn up. Even small changes in turnout might affect next year's election in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, which are closely split.

In a December AP-NORC survey, 50% of Black Americans approved of Biden, down from 86% in July 2021. That decline is greater than among adults and white adults. However, only 25% of Black adults liked Trump. Trump's campaign aides say they're jumping on such trends to force a political realignment that would overturn the Democratic Party's decades-long Black voter advantage.

We are creating a massive problem for the Democratic Party’s base that... could be altering for a generation,” said Trump campaign senior advisor Chris LaCivita. “That’s an opportunity we would be remiss not to exploit

Cornell Belcher, a Democratic pollster, said that Obama experienced similar issues with young and minority voters during his 2012 reelection campaign, when many Democrats were upset by his delayed progress on important priorities.