(Part-2) Republican mobilization for Biden's Black vote is a chance.

“I'm not surprised that Joe Biden starts off underperforming among young and minority voters. His not doing so would be surprising. But campaigns are for that, Belcher added. “I'm not worried that he's 15 points behind with these voters. I seen this play previously. I saw it with Obama.”

As the GOP's leading presidential candidate, Trump isn't lowering his racial talk. This month, he called Republican candidate Nikki Haley “Nimbra,” the American-born daughter of Indian immigrants. His past use of racial stereotypes to doubt Obama's citizenship and qualifications as president was evident throughout the episode.

Trump routinely uses Kanye West and Lil Wayne endorsements to demonstrate his Black appeal. Black Lives Matter Grassroots rejected his recent claim that a Black Rhode Island racial justice advocate was endorsed by the group.

As he prepares for a rematch with Biden, Trump is trying to depict a more diverse group of supporters than when he led a virtually all-white Cabinet. Sen. Tim Scott, the chamber's lone Black Republican, supported him when he won the New Hampshire primary this week. Since challenging Trump for the GOP nomination, Scott has been one of his most famous surrogates, typically touting his racial record.

As Trump approaches the Republican nomination, his vice presidential nominee might help him broaden his appeal beyond the party's white base. Scott is often considered as a Trump running mate.

Biden and Democrats won't give Trump Black voters. The president began his reelection campaign this month at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, where a white stranger welcomed to their Bible study shot and killed nine Black parishioners in 2015.

On his visit, Biden blasted the “poison” of white supremacy in America and highlighted his administration's achievements, notably the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson as the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. Biden has also advocated for economic equality for people of color and shifted the Democratic Party's election calendar to South Carolina from largely white Iowa and New Hampshire to reflect its diversity.

Democratic National Committee chair Jaime Harrison accused Republicans of spreading “fairy tales about their plan to win over Black voters.” Harrison said, "Back here on Earth, the reality is this

Their leader, Donald Trump, pals around with white supremacists, is fighting to overturn Obamacare and throw millions of Black families off their insurance, and celebrated when his right-wing Supreme Court justices voted to block President Biden from delivering massive student debt relief to

Both parties are improving Black voter outreach. There are 38 minority outreach centers in 19 states run by the Republican National Committee since 2013. GOP plans two more outreach centers in 2024.

Unlike previous Democratic campaigns, the Biden campaign has engaged critical groups like Black voters early on. The campaign heavily invested on African American media and outreach in battleground states. DNC chair Harrison said Biden and Harris “won’t rest until we earn every vote because the stakes are that high.”