Stress could be your heart's worst enemy. Here's why


The link between stress and your heart might be complex, but it is extremely important for a properly functioning cardiovascular system.

Stress can be associated with major risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and physical inactivity.

Psychological stress is an independent risk factor for heart attacks, equivalent to cardiovascular hazards.

When you undergo a stressful situation, you experience a phenomenon called the "fight-or-flight" response.

You'd get out of your automobile and leave if the car in front of you caught fire. While in traffic, the response is unproductive.


However, persistent stress has several negative health impacts. This stress comes from a crowded commute, a bad marriage, or an oppressive employer.

Psychological stress which comes in many forms causes a "cascade of reactions" in the body. These include arterial inflammation, blood clotting, and blood vessel dysfunction.

It may affect mood, sleep, and appetite. Studies show that emotional stress may cause biochemical signs of cardiovascular disease and impair everyday life.

Chronic stress may promote heart disease. Stress increases blood pressure and inflammation, which harms cardiovascular health.

Work-related stress raised the chance of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat that may lead to stroke and heart failure.