Manage Stress: 6 Easy Habits to Lower Cortisol Level


Stress is unavoidable, but how we handle it may affect our health. Simple yet effective daily practices may help you manage stress and live a more balanced and satisfying life.

Prioritize Physical Activity: Exercise greatly reduces stress. It boosts mood by releasing endorphins, your brain's natural mood enhancers. Even a little stroll or exercise will help.

Practice Mindfulness: Being present without judgment. Meditation, deep breathing, and yoga help you concentrate on the present and reduce worry.


Healthy Eating: Diet affects stress levels. Limit coffee and sweets to avoid energy dumps and anxiety. To maintain energy, eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.

Get enough sleep: Stress increases without it. Get 7-9 hours of good sleep each night. Having a nightly routine and a pleasant sleep environment may enhance your sleep.

Connect: Stress management requires social support. Friends and family allow you to express yourself. A new perspective on your difficulties and a feeling of belonging might also result.

Manage Time: Stress frequently follows overload. Successful time management may restore control. Make a timetable, establish achievable targets, and split chores down.