Ways to Work Up to Handstand

6 Min Read

The handstand is not just a gymnastic feat; it’s a testament to balance, strength, and focus.

For many, achieving a handstand can seem like an elusive goal, but with the right approach and consistent practice, anyone can work up to mastering this impressive skill.

In this article, we’ll explore ten effective ways to gradually build the strength, stability, and technique needed to conquer the handstand.

Establishing a Strong Foundation:

Before attempting a handstand, it’s essential to develop a solid foundation of strength and flexibility.

Focus on strengthening your core, shoulders, arms, and wrists through targeted exercises such as planks, push-ups, shoulder presses, and wrist stretches.

Additionally, incorporate flexibility exercises like yoga or mobility drills to ensure your body is adequately prepared for the demands of a handstand.

Building Shoulder Strength:

Strong shoulders are crucial for supporting your body weight in a handstand position.

Incorporate exercises that target the deltoids, rotator cuffs, and upper back muscles.

Shoulder presses, lateral raises, and overhead presses are excellent for building shoulder strength.

Additionally, practice shoulder stabilization exercises like shoulder taps and scapular push-ups to improve control and stability.

Mastering the Hollow Body Position:

The hollow body position is fundamental to the mechanics of a handstand.

It involves maintaining a tight, straight body line from head to toe, engaging the core, and pressing the lower back into the ground.

Practice hollow body holds on the floor, focusing on keeping your lower back flat and legs lifted off the ground.

This will help you develop the body awareness and strength needed to maintain proper alignment in a handstand.

Wall-Assisted Handstand Progressions:

Using a wall for support is an excellent way to gradually work up to a freestanding handstand.

Start by practicing wall-facing handstands, where you kick up against the wall with your back facing it and hold the position for increasing amounts of time.

As you become more comfortable, gradually move towards facing away from the wall and focus on finding balance with minimal support.

Use the wall as a safety net, but aim to rely on it less as you progress.

Practicing Handstand Holds:

Consistent practice is key to mastering the handstand.

Set aside dedicated time each day to work on handstand holds, starting with shorter holds and gradually increasing the duration as you build strength and confidence.

Focus on maintaining proper alignment, engaging your core and shoulders, and actively pressing through your fingertips to find balance.

Experiment with different hand positions and finger placements to find what works best for you.

Balancing Drills and Exercises:

Improving your balance is essential for achieving a stable handstand.

Incorporate balancing drills and exercises into your training routine to enhance proprioception and body control.

Practice exercises like single-leg balances, crow pose, and forearm stands to develop the necessary balance and coordination skills.

Additionally, use props like yoga blocks or a balance board to challenge your stability and improve your ability to find equilibrium in the handstand position.

Strengthening the Wrist:

The wrists bear a significant amount of weight in a handstand, so it’s essential to strengthen and condition them to prevent injury.

Perform wrist-strengthening exercises such as wrist curls, wrist extensions, and wrist rotations to build resilience and stability in the wrists.

Additionally, incorporate wrist mobility exercises to improve flexibility and range of motion, reducing the risk of strain or discomfort during handstand practice.

Progressive Overhead Loading:

Gradually increasing the load on your shoulders and arms is crucial for building the strength needed to support your body in a handstand.

Incorporate progressive overhead loading exercises such as handstand push-ups, pike push-ups, and dumbbell shoulder presses into your training regimen.

Start with lighter weights or easier variations and gradually progress to more challenging exercises as your strength improves.

Consistent Alignment and Form Checks:

Maintaining proper alignment and form is essential for performing a successful handstand.

Regularly check your alignment in front of a mirror or with the help of a coach or training partner to ensure your body is properly stacked and straight from fingertips to toes.

Pay attention to the position of your head, shoulders, hips, and feet, making adjustments as needed to maintain optimal alignment and stability.

Mental Focus and Visualization:

Achieving a handstand requires not only physical strength but also mental focus and confidence.

Practice visualization techniques to mentally prepare yourself for the challenge of balancing upside down.

Visualize yourself effortlessly holding a perfect handstand, feeling strong, stable, and in control.

Use positive affirmations and mindfulness techniques to stay present and focused during your handstand practice, trusting in your ability to succeed.


Mastering the handstand is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and consistent effort. By following these ten effective ways to work up to a handstand, you can gradually build the strength, stability, and technique needed to achieve this impressive feat. Remember to listen to your body, progress at your own pace, and celebrate each milestone along the way. With perseverance and determination, you’ll soon find yourself defying gravity and balancing with ease in a perfect handstand.

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